Parenting and Leadership are the Same

Understanding business parenting. Business parenting. This phrase was introduced to me years ago in an internal leadership training course. I recall understanding the correlation at the time, but it was probably too early in my leadership role to really understand how accurate this statement really is. Parenting and leadership have significant similarities and many parallels.... Continue Reading →

The Challenges of Growing with the Company

Why getting promoted is like brand repositioning. Congratulations! You’ve been promoted to a senior level position in your company, and your colleagues are giving you well-deserved high fives. But once the celebration settles, you realize some challenges to what just occurred have nothing to do with your ability to do your new job. The problem... Continue Reading →

Your baby is not as cute as mine.

And what this has to do with marketing. In a recent product demonstration, I had this epiphany that made me think of mothers and their babies. You see, every mother, myself included, believes their baby is cuter than any other baby in the entire world. Dare the world to disagree, and you find yourself on... Continue Reading →

What do you need in a marketing leader?

Consult your strategy. What do you need more in your marketing leader, a modern marketing professional or an expert in your industry? Reportedly one of the most significantly changed industries in the last 10 years, marketing is both an art and a science. Our online “social” world has turned the average consumer from highly private... Continue Reading →

Restraint: An Essential Marketing Skill

My epiphany word for today: restraint. Marketers live in a world fraught with criticism and unsolicited advice (everyone knows how to market - just ask them.) Added to that, thanks to our digital world, is the opinions of and critique from everyone online as well. However, the longer I stay in the profession, the more... Continue Reading →

Empowered Does Not Mean Unguided

All too often leaders make the mistake of confusing empowerment with a lack of guidance. Probably one of the most overused terms in leadership is “empowerment.” Of course, it is. Leaders want to be seen as those who successfully lead their team to imminent success, hailed by their team members as a great leader for... Continue Reading →

The Journey Begins

Life is an extraordinary journey whose experiences and lessons frame who we are as individuals. Celebrate quietly is a collection of lessons on marketing leadership and humble celebration. Thanks for joining me on this journey! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton  

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